Thursday, April 8, 2010

Difference between "and" and "&&"

klasses = ['last'] && txt = '' if idx == (tabs.length - 1)

At the end of this statement klasses will contain "".

klasses = ['last'] and txt = '' if idx == (tabs.length - 1)

At the end of this statement klasses will contain ['last'] which was what I intended. But the first statement wasn't returning that.

A good explanation is here

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Missing gems even though they are present

Have you seen the following only to realize all those are already installed?

Missing these required gems:
rspec = 1.3.0
rspec-rails = 1.3.2

My environment.rb has entries for both of them like:

config.gem 'rspec', :version => '1.3.0'
config.gem 'rspec-rails', :version => '1.3.2'

After a lot of hair pulling I found we need to add another argument to that config.gem. The following fixed the problem:

config.gem 'rspec', :version => '1.3.0', :lib => false
config.gem 'rspec-rails', :version => '1.3.2', :lib => false